Pulling Weeds

I told you last week that I would share a moment when the Holy Spirit led me on a trail that was unexpected. It doesn’t happen often, but because it is possible, it keeps me tuning in everyday to see what God will reveal to me next. I was reading the familiar story about Adam …

Spirit Trails

Good Morning. We all know the benefit of breakfast. It feeds our bodies with strength for the day ahead. So it is with God’s Word. “Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by your name, O …

How’s It Going

One week in and I think we’re off to a great start. If you’re already behind please, please don’t be discouraged. It’s to be expected that life will hit us in unexpected ways. The thing is to resolve to not let anything stop you from continuing to read the Bible. We subscribe to Desiring God …

A New Year – A New Goal

Welcome to Day One. It’s the beginning of what may seem a daunting task–to read the Bible everyday for a year. But we’d like to help us change our focus. This is God’s Word – 66 books that He Himself wrote miraculously through 40 authors over the span of 1500 years. If you’d like to …